Discover how to shed old thinking patterns—and live more joyfully with food.
Ready to get to the roots of your challenges around food—whether it’s gratuitous snacking, compulsive or emotional eating, indulging cravings, overeating, or other disheartening habits? Be ready to get mindful.
Mindfulness can be the deciding factor between your successful adoption of a healthy vegan diet and repeated frustrating attempts. This simple technique goes under the surface of what is hampering your happiness, providing a sought-after solution to many of life’s ups and downs by rewiring your reactivity to challenges.
Mindful, insight meditation practice is commonly described as a training of mental attention that awakens us beyond the conditioned mind and our habits of thinking. We become willing and able to take a step back from our usual auto-pilot and reactivity, the condition in which we go through many of our days—unless we cultivate the practice of doing otherwise, which is the foundation of mindfulness practice
Certified mindfulness meditation facilitator, award-winning health educator, and longtime vegan advocate Lani Muelrath has been practicing mindfulness meditation for 25 years. In The Mindful Vegan, she teaches you how to practice mindfulness and shows how it can bring freedom and a new joy to your eating—and living—experience.
With step-by-step instructions, personal stories, positivity, humor, and a handful of delicious recipes, The Mindful Vegan will help you emancipate yourself from the stranglehold that mindless and compulsive eating have on your weight, health, food choices, and, most of all, peace of mind. With Lani’s guidance, you’ll learn the techniques of mindfulness meditation, opening the door to creating a more resilient vegan lifestyle. You’ll discover why eating in a way that lines up with your convictions about health, the environment, and ethics reduces stress and increases happiness. What’s more, you’ll even learn to navigate conversations with others about eating—and living—vegan, with greater clarity, equanimity, and presence of mind.
The Mindful Vegan sets you on a path to cultivating your capacity for genuine happiness and a more peaceful life—in a way that is personally satisfying and aligned with your deepest values. This book is for anyone who wants to be free of frustrating and baffling eating behaviors, experience a new ease around eating, and discover their naturally healthy body and weight.
Stop stressing. Start living—and eating—mindfully. Your body and mind will thank you.