From Sweet, Savory, and Free by Debbie Adler
The truth is, I have something sweet for breakfast almost every other day. It goes well with coffee, and that’s all the reason I need. So I decided to transform one of my all-time favorite desserts, strawberry shortcake, into wholesome pancakes, a more acceptable thing to eat in the morning. The buckwheat groats and chia seeds add calcium, protein, vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants, and the strawberries add a shot of vitamin C. I make this in a round cake tin to guarantee a perfect circular hotcake every time. No flipping, no oil—what could be better? And it’s such a sight to behold when you start stacking and spreading the coconut cream that people actually gasp on the presentation alone.
Must Have
1 1/2 cups All-Purpose Gluten-Free Flour Mix (see below)
1/2 cup raw buckwheat groats, ground (I use a coffee grinder)
2 teaspoons sodium-free baking powder
1 teaspoon chia seeds, ground (I use a coffee grinder)
1 teaspoon ground ginger
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon fine sea salt
1 1/4 cups coconut milk
3 tablespoons applesauce
2 tablespoons coconut nectar
1/4 cup fresh organic strawberries, cut into 1/4-inch pieces
Coconut cream
Sliced strawberries
Grade B maple syrup
1 cup tapioca flour
3/4 cup sorghum flour
3/4 cup millet flour
1/4 cup ivory teff flour
1/4 cup quinoa flour
Must Do: Pancakes
- Preheat the oven to 350°F. Line a 9-inch round springform baking pan with parchment paper. Make sure the parchment goes up about an inch along the sides of the pan so the batter doesn’t stick.
- To make the pancake: Whisk together the all-purpose flour, ground buckwheat groats, baking powder, chia seeds, ginger, cinnamon, and salt in a large bowl. Make a well in the middle.
- Add the coconut milk, applesauce, and coconut nectar, and stir to combine.
- Fold in the strawberries and stir to incorporate.
- Pour the batter evenly into the prepared baking pan. Bake until the pancake bounces back slightly to the touch, about 20 minutes.
- Transfer the pan from the oven to a wire rack and let sit for 5 minutes before removing the springform circle and transferring the pancake to a plate.
- Cut into quarters with a pizza slicer and layer the quartered pancakes on top of one another with cream and strawberries between each layer. Top with more strawberries, coconut cream, and maple syrup.
Must Do: All-Purpose Gluten-Free Flour Mix
- Whisk together the tapioca flour, sorghum flour, millet flour, ivory teff flour, and quinoa flour in a large bowl.
- Pour the flour mix into a large zip-top bag or freezer-safe airtight container. The mix will stay fresh for up to 1 year in the freezer.
SERVING SIZE: 1/4 PANCAKE Calories 190; Total Fat 2.5g; Protein 6.2g; Cholesterol 0.0g; Sodium 143mg; Fiber 6.1g; Sugars 4.4g; Total Carbohydrate 41.0g