In the Bites & Highlights series we share noteworthy news and happenings from BenBella Vegan and our authors. See past posts here and read on to see what we’ve been up to!
Media Bites & Highlights
- The One Peaceful World Cookbook is now available wherever books are sold, and Juice Guru featured an interview with authors Alex Jack and Sachi Kato to talk about how a plant-based diet is essential for mental and emotional well-being.
- One Green Planet featured recipes from The China Study Family Cookbook.
- A bevy of BenBella Vegan books and authors were featured as part of Nutritiously’s “Best Vegan Books You Must Get Your Hands On In 2017” list, including:
- Lani Muelrath’s The Plant-Based Journey and The Mindful Vegan
- Kim Campbell’s The PlantPure Kitchen
- Dreena Burton’s Plant-Powered Families
- Colin Campbell’s The China Study: Revised & Expanded Edition and Whole
- This month Kim Campbell was also a guest on Healthy You! Radio.
- The Colorful Kitchen (December 2017) was featured in New York Family. From the review: “The Colorful Kitchen provides easy and nutritious vegan meal ideas that anyone can make with the tools and ingredients they already have in their homes.”
Other Bites & Highlights
- On Instagram, we celebrated the official release of The One Peaceful World Cookbook by sharing some of our favorite recipes from the book.
- On the blog we shared Trail Mix Granola from Sweet, Savory, and Free.